
Gets info about your current workspace. This supports several subcommands.


Stores the current state of the workspace for future use. By default the image will be private to you. See the set-acls command for sharing this imge.

rx uses the directory name of your rxroot as the image name. For example, if your username is notch and your project is in ~/gitroot/my-project, rx will store it as notch/my-project.

If you’d like to customize this you can specify the --name option:

rx ws commit --name=minecraft

This will store the image is notch/minecraft. If you belong to an organization, you can also store it under the org’s namespace:

rx ws commit --organization=msft --name=minecraft
Storing your workspace...
Your remote machine's state has been saved.

If you'd like to initialize a new workspace with this state, use the following lines in your config:

  repository: notch/minecraft
  tag: '20240125'

See the config docs for more info about configuring images.


This returns a yaml config of the workspace for this rx root, plus all commands you’ve run this month.


By default workspaces are private to you: no one else has read or write permissions.

If you’d like to create a publicly readable workspace (e.g., as a config for an open source project), you can set that with the --set-visibility option:

rx ws set-acls --set-visibility=public

You can make it private again with --set-visibility=private.

If you’d like to share it with individual users, you can do so with the --add-reader option:

rx ws set-acls --add-reader=concernedape

You can also share the workspace with an organization that you’re a member of:

rx ws set-acls --add-reader=msft

See the config docs for more info about setting ACLs.


If a workspace is configured to have a certain port open, you can forward it to your local machine by running:

rx ws open-port 12345

This starts a daemon process on your local machine that listens for connections on localhost:12345 and forwards requests/responses to your remote workspace.

open-port optionally can map the remote port to a different port locally. For example, if you have your workspace configured to forward port 4040 but it’s already being used on your local machine, you can specify:

rx ws open-port 4040 –local-port=4141

Then all traffic to localhost:4141 will be forwarded to your workspace’s localhost:4040.


To stop forwarding to a local port, call:

rx ws close-port 4040


You can list all ports being forwarded with ports:

rx ws ports